We’re proud to announce that CarltonOne has just funded our 3 millionth tree planting. Together with our partner Eden Reforestation projects, we’re helping every member of every client we serve turn transactions into eco action.
Our direct funding is being used to plant in Madagascar, Nepal, Kenya, and Mozambique. Today, we’re planting a new tree every 6 seconds - with a goal this year of 5 million trees, and 100 million trees every year by 2025. See our tree tracker at carltonone.com. Here are some of the specific accomplishments we have already achieved:
In the shadow of Mt.Everest in Nepal we have planted 150,000 new native trees to help stabilize the soil against frequent mudslides. Our project there provides steady employment to local communities that previously would not have had any income. We’re proud to help provide enough income stability to spark new women-led microbusinesses.
In Madagascar, our funding for mangrove planting has created 106 full-time jobs in the local Mahajanga community. We are on-track to plant 1.5 million mangroves in the Betsiboka region this year alone. This critical employment has enabled villagers in this area to become more independent, and be less vulnerable to exploitation by a local gang who cut down mangroves and bake them to form valuable charcoal.
In the southeast African country of Mozambique we have funded the planting of 298,263 new mangroves on the shores of the Rio Tembe river. This mangrove reforestation project addresses not just the environmental needs along the Rio Tembe river, but also the urgent humanitarian needs of the local community. Our planting partner is now able to provide regular work to many local poverty-stricken families.
These are just 3 examples of the projects we have underway. Tree planting, and the ongoing nurturing and protection of new forests brings local villagers critical jobs, food security, social empowerment and a reliable income. We’ve been able to fund nearly 13,000 workdays of local employment in the countries our planting projects are operating.
As we serve clients in over 185 countries, we understand more than most companies the positive global impacts that our products and community of members can create. We’re harnessing this power for change by creating services that fund the planting of new native trees with every transaction. For example, every time an employee recognizes a teammate for doing something great and sends them an award, we automatically fund new trees. Redeem points for a reward, plant trees…. meet a wellness goal, plant trees… complete a survey, plant trees… it’s a virtuous circle of growth and purpose!
Why trees? Recent science shows that one effective way to reduce greenhouse gas is to plant more trees and restore vital forests. While the science of climate change is complex, this solution is remarkably simple. Trees naturally absorb and store dangerous carbon. In fact, just one tree can remove up to 48 lbs. of carbon every year.
But trees offer much more than an affordable way to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. Trees also provide safe harbour for native animals, insects, pollinators and plants. Shelter, shade, food and nutrients make trees a pivotal part of every local ecosystem.
New forests also protect the local environment against extreme weather events triggered by climate change. Roots stabilize soil against landslides, mangroves protect beachfronts from erosion and damaging storm surges, forests provide shelter for wildlife during tropical storms.
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